So the sun is shining, I'm in a t-shirt and it's October. Utterly hateful- I was all ready to hibernate, now I feel I ought to be DOING things, instead of curling up and waiting for the sun to come out- how can I do that if it won't go away? Anyway, in the meantime, here are some photos of things that annoy me on a daily basis in T Wells.
In reverse order:
5: random set of wiring under my friend's desk- Why?
4: Most tedious window cleaning I have ever witnessed- at least our firm can afford to pay someone with a mop on a stick
3: Outside the teaching recruitment agency- look closely and you'll see where the apostrophe used to be- presumably they got the job. This vexes me in that it was allowed to go outside in its original state
2: This, on the other hand vexes me no end- and more so as it's now MONTHS since the board was put out. Where's my red chalk?
Which brings me to my all time most vexing sight ever. One which I have to endure ever time I move to or from the orifice.